Have you heard of Alpaca Therapy?

Have you heard of Alpaca Therapy?

It is well documented that holding and stroking animals can reduce blood pressure, lower pulse rates and alleviate feelings of tension and anxiety. Animals offer attention and unconditional acceptance. They are responsive, live in the ‘here and now’ and don’t mind who you are or what you look like.

Alpacas are intelligent and inquisitive but can also be reticent with humans who fail to give adequate consideration to their needs. They are usually direct and honest and unlike humans they are non-judgemental and don’t confuse through verbal communications. So are ideal for working with people who find themselves confused or threatened by human relations, many clients feel safer and less threatened around animals.

Being with camelids can encourage our nurturing and empathic traits and, for survivors of abuse, offer an opportunity for ‘safe touch’. Benefits of positive interactions between people and alpacas are likely to include:

  • Development of relationships and emotional bonds built on trust and respect
  • Improved mood, morale and sense of self worth
  • Better social interaction, reducing feelings of social isolation
  • Relief from anxiety and stress (slower heart rate and lower blood pressure)
  • The learning new skills - nurturing and caring for animals appropriately
  • Self-esteem and confidence building

According to Simply Alpaca in UK, their experiences of working alongside with alpacas offer a different way of exploring difficult and sensitive issues as their clients may find it easier to express their feelings and recount painful experiences. Where they are suffering from depression, research indicates they also have the potential to draw the person out of themselves, either by watching, stroking or speaking to the animals, to focus less on themselves and more on their external environment. So rather than thinking and talking about themselves and their problems, they watch and talk to and about the animals; changing focus of interest and gaining positive attention, as well as pleasure in handling them.

Check out video below to learn more about how alpaca therapy works for elderly and children in a hospital in IDAHO, the states.

Here is another video of regular alpacas visit at Encore Care Homes in UK. 


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