Top 5 Reasons Why People Love Alpacas

Top 5 Reasons Why People Love Alpacas

Have you ever wonder why you love alpacas out of so many animals? This is the question I have been asking myself for years. I will not say I'm an animal lover but I like animal and biology in general. For example, I like to watch national geographic channel and animal planet because I'm curious about animal. They can be quite inspiring and teaching me something new about life. I have done some research online and list down top 5 reasons why people love alpacas.

. They are big fluffy animals with cutesy face that are domesticated.

In general, we like soft and fluffy stuff and we tend to touch it, feel it and hug it if possible. Of course, bigger surface is more comfortable right? It's just like hugging a human size soft toy. But, most large fluffy animals like bears and lions are dangerous, thus we will not go near them.

Alpacas, however, are both fluffy and bigger than common pet like puppy or cat. You get to hug a real big fluffy animal instead of a human size soft toy. If you look up closer,  you will notice they are born with beautiful features like big eyes, long eyelashes, super fine fleece and smiling snout. Who doesn't love alpacas?

2. Alpacas offer attention and unconditional acceptance. 

They are responsive, live in the ‘here and now’ and don’t mind who you are or what you look like. Alpacas and llamas are intelligent and inquisitive but can also be reticent with humans who fail to give adequate consideration to their needs. 

3. They are direct and honest

Unlike humans, they are non-judgemental and don’t confuse through verbal communications especially people who find themselves confused or threatened by human relations, it makes you feel safer, peace and happy around them.

4. They have funny faces 

They are smiling most of the time, but they have some funny moments too. You may check it out here for more alpaca memes. I will say they are very flexible and can be quite stylish because their fleece are very thick. All they need is a good shearing team.

5. They are sensitive like us.

Martel from Meadowview Farms says that what makes the alpaca unique is its sixth sense. “It knows when someone is feeling vulnerable – and allows that person to cuddle and caress them.” Researchers suggest that an affinity towards animals may be partially rooted in the similarities of emotional expressions that are shared across human and animal species. It is also possible that deep in our psyches, there is a simple and profound recognition of our similarities: that we all see, hear, touch, smell, eat, rest, play, mate, raise young, and die – shared experiences by all living beings on earth. 

ALPACAS always have a special spot in my heart because they have inspired me to stay strong and spread the positivity even though I'm just a nobody staying in a tiny flat. You don't need to be somebody to be able to do something great. Anyone can do something good to others, it doesn't matter if it is big or small. 

If you have any inspiring stories to share, feel free to share it with us through direct message on FB or email it to We would like to take this opportunity to listen to your story and sharing it with more people. By sharing your stories, together we can spread the positivity and alpaca love to more people during this epidemic. We believe storytelling is the best way to connect people together and support each other. As a token of appreciation, we will send you a free t-shirt at your choice from our store if your story is selected to be featured on this blog. It is totally free as shipping cost is covered.

Thank you for taking time to read this article. We hope you enjoyed it. If you think this article is useful, please help us share it with your friends. We also have designed a new t-shirt that says "alpacas make people happy" in spreading the alpaca love and good vibes. You may check it out here . Again, thank you and stay healthy❤️!

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