What is The Nuñoa Project?

What is The Nuñoa Project?

Where is Nuñoa?

Nuñoa (pronounced Nunyoa) is about halfway between Cuzco and Lake Titicaca on the high slopes of the eastern Andes above 13,000 feet in elevation.

The Nuñoa River that flows through town comes, in part, from the Quilccaya Glacier, the largest in the tropics. The town has about 7000 residents who speak Quechua and Spanish, the district (comparable to a county) has a population of about 14,000. About a third of the households in the district are impoverished and hence have difficulties meeting their basic needs.

Grazing land in the Nuñoa District is some of the best on the Altiplano and the alpaca density the highest. As such the town prides itself as the suri capital of the world. Most small herders have alpacas (yes, huacayas too), llamas, sheep, some cattle, and several horses.

While principally herders, most households raise potatoes, other tubers, and Andean cereals (quinoa and canihua).

What is The Nuñoa Project?

It is a project strive to provide better education and support for farmers, students, and veterinarians in the US and Peru as well as the  herders and townspeople of the Peruvian altiplano. Nuñoa Project veterinary teams have been working with camelid farmers in Peru since July of 2006. The project is running by a group of like minded members of the alpaca community who are concerned about the welfare of the people, children and animals of Peru. It is a country that is home to the world’s largest population of alpacas. Unlike in the United States where veterinary care is routine, in Peru it is rare. The future of the industry there lies with the children and the health of the herds, these are the areas in which we hope to make a difference.

How it was started?

This is a community where R. Brooke Thomas (Professor Emeritus, Anthropology University) and others have carried out anthropological research for over 50 years. In the course of their work they have befriended many, become god-parents to quite a few, and have helped in a number of ways winning the trust of the community.

The opportunity to further reciprocate for the cooperation and generosity shown over the years came several years ago when Dr Steve Purdy first arrived at UMass to set up the Camelid Studies Program. Being interested in understanding the background of the alpacas and how they were herded by Andean natives it was easy to convince him that Nuñoa was the place he had to see.

On their first trip Steve brought several animal science students, an alpaca breeder, and a fellow alpaca veterinarian, Cheryl DeWitt. They stayed in a small orphanage that supported joyous and inquisitive children, and toured the countryside talking with herders and inspecting their alpacas.

They were all so impressed with the need of small herders for veterinary service, and with the potential of linking this effort to the understaffed and underfunded orphanage, that they started planning how they might help fulfill a number of community needs. Thanks to Dr. Purdy's enthusiasm and a sense of obligation to give back to Andean herders - whose ancestors gave us the alpacas and llamas - a number of friends and colleagues were contacted, and they have provided their time and talents in getting this organization going. At the same time, they are also working in Pucara and Lampas districts with CONOPA and Chijnaya Foundation.

What is their mission?

1. To give back to the country of Peru for their gift of alpacas to the US and other countries in the world.

2. To make a positive difference in the lives of herders and townspeople of the southern Peruvian highlands.
3. To address immediate needs through humanitarian aid and veterinary support for the animals in the region.
4. To exchange information and preserve the rural traditions of herding for future generations in the southern Peruvian highlands.
5. To establish self sustaining programs in the areas of support for herding families and veterinary assistance for livestock in the Department of Puño region.
6. To provide educational and research opportunities along with training for students, farmers and veterinarians through the North American Camelid Studies Program and the North American Donkey Studies Program in the US and through the Nuñoa Project work in Peru.

What are their goals?

1. Veterinary Support in Peru

They are currently involved with improving management practices and alpaca production on local farms in the altiplano. This assistance includes improving disease prevention through vaccination, improving animal birthing rates through selection of top quality breeding males, and improving wool production and quality with evaluation of annual production rates.

2. North American Camelid Studies Program

Providing educational and research opportunities along with training for students, farmers and veterinarians through the North American Camelid Studies Program in the US and through the Nuñoa Project work in Peru.

3. North American Donkey Studies Program

Providing educational and research opportunities for students, farmers and veterinarians through the North American Donkey Studies Program in the US.

4. Herd Improvement Project in Peru

1. Nuñoa Project male alpacas are in work breeding females belonging to farmers from January through March of each year.

2. All animals and their offspring are tagged for identification and to track production.

3. Annual studies are conducted by European, Argentinian, Peruvian and US veterinarians and students.

4. They are encouraging farmers to use a record keeping system to monitor male and female production in order to make breeding management decisions.

5. In January and June of each year they conduct Ultrasound pregnancy examinations on all project females to evaluate success of NP males and offer suggestions for improvement of birthing rates for farmers.

They also discuss production and animal health problems with farmers to help them towards practical solutions.

5. Humanistic Support

With five decades of working experience as anthropological researchers in the Nuñoa area on problems of human health and agriculture, they have a familiarity with the challenges people face in their daily lives as well as their proud traditions and knowledge systems. Their humanistic goals are to facilitate projects that people in town and rural communities identify as important but have limited resources to accomplish. Furthermore, they are prepared to address urgent needs as they arise in this harsh and unpredictable land where both the environment and economy frequently produce unexpected hardship.

Past studies have indicated that approximately a third of the population is living marginally, and single women headed households and the elderly are particularly vulnerable. Their recent work has sponsored wheelchair donations to handicapped adults and children, blanket distribution to a high and remote rural community exposed to the exceptionally cold weather of recent years, and the support of a yarn spinning micro-industry started by local women. This last project links their overall mission of “Helping People and Camelids of the Peruvian Altiplano.”

Why donate to The Nuñoa Project?

There are many farmers and herders who live in the country side are greatly affected by climate change nowadays. It is especially challenging for herders live in high altitude like Peru, they have limited resources and their alpacas and llamas could be dying due to extreme weather. Many herders or younger generation choose to work in a city instead of raising alpacas due to unstable income. A more sustainable solution is necessary to help the local community in Peru. We have been searching for a non profit organization who is focusing on alpacas, be it education, helping alpaca farmers or alpacas rescue. We are very happy to discover what The Nuñoa Project has been doing and achieved in the past 14 years. They have been helping Peruvian in herding alpacas, making a positive impact to the local community and studying alpacas to help farmers understand their alpacas better. Although they are a small non-profit organization but they do provide annual reports and update online regularly. You may find out more information here

As much as we would love to collaborate with The Nuñoa Project, unfortunately we are unable to make a donation to them from Singapore due to some technical issues. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to share with you about the project in hoping you can consider to make a donation to them especially if you are an alpaca lover or farmer who based in the states. By donating to The Nuñoa Project, you help to provide better education and support for farmers, students, and veterinarians in the US and Peru as well as the  herders and townspeople of the Peruvian altiplano. Meanwhile, we will continue searching for a non profit organization that is helping alpacas in general and align with our values. Please reach out to us at info@thetherapeuticalpaca.com if you own a non profit organization helping alpacas and accept donation other than Paypal. We would be happy to discuss how we can collaborate to help your organization through our platform. Thank you!

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